
Kubernetes Events

The operator emits Kubernetes events for all resource transitions which can be viewed using kubectl describe.


$ kubectl describe pipeline pipeline-sample
  Type     Reason      Age    From          Message
  ----     ------      ----   ----          -------
  Normal   Syncing     5m54s  kfp-operator  Updating [version: "v5-841641"]
  Warning  SyncFailed  101s   kfp-operator  Failed [version: "v5-841641"]: pipeline update failed
  Normal   Syncing     9m47s  kfp-operator  Updating [version: "57be7f4-681dd8"]
  Normal   Synced      78s    kfp-operator  Succeeded [version: "57be7f4-681dd8"]

Compiling locally

The KFP-Operator’s compiler can be used locally for debugging purposes. This can be especially useful for troubleshooting environment variable and beam argument resolution.

Environment setup and compiler injection

The compiler is injected into a shared directory first before it can be called from within the pipeline image. Note that the setup is usually only needed once unless you want to use a different version of the compiler.

export<KFP-Operator version>

# Create a temporary directory for the following steps, alternatively choose a different location
SHARED_DIR=$(mktemp -d)

# Inject the compiler into the shared temporary directory
docker run -v $SHARED_DIR:/shared $KFP_COMPILER_IMAGE /shared

Compiler configuration

The compilation process can be configured as follows:

export PIPELINE_IMAGE=<your pipeline image>
# Choose an execution mode: v1 for KFP or v2 for Vertex AI

# create the compiler configuration
cat > $SHARED_DIR/config.yaml << EOF
name: <Your pipeline name>
rootLocation: <pipeline root location. for debugging, this can be any string>
servingLocation: <model serving location. for debugging, this can be any string>
tfxComponents: <component function>
  <Dict[str, str] of environment variables to be passed to the compilation step>
  <Dict[str, List[str]] of beam arguments>

Running the compiler

You can then run the compiler from inside your pipeline container to produce $SHARED_DIR/pipeline_out.yaml.

# Run the compiler in your pipeline image
docker run -v $SHARED_DIR:/shared --entrypoint /shared/ $PIPELINE_IMAGE --pipeline_config /shared/config.yaml --output_file /shared/pipeline_out.yaml --execution_mode $EXECUTION_MODE