Kubeflow Pipelines
The Kubeflow Pipelines Provider Service is included within this project to interface directly with Kubeflow Pipelines. This service acts as a bridge between the KFP Operator and Kubeflow Pipelines, facilitating operations such as pipeline submission, status monitoring, schedules and experiment management.
Deployment and Usage
Set up the service with the necessary configurations, including API endpoints and authentication credentials for the Kubeflow. See the getting started guide.
KFP must be installed in standalone mode. Its configuration can be controlled using the KFP specific parameters within a Provider Resource.
For detailed implementation code and further technical insights, refer to the KFP Provider Service directory in the official repository.
Implementation Details
API : Implements the openapi spec for provider services.
Event Handling: The KFP provider creates run-completion events when reading the status of workflows triggered by Kubeflow. These events are then processed and sent to the operators webhook to update the status of the run.