Mite components

Distributed components

In order to achieve high throughput, it’s necessary to split mite into discrete components and distribute them across cores/machines. Mite as an entity consists of a number of these components, each with their own responsibilities for test control, execution and/or data collection.


The mite duplicator is responsible for ingesting messages from multiple sources and then duplicating them to other components. It ensures that messages that arrive at an incoming socket are distributed exactly once to each of N outgoing sockets. It is usually the first component to start. The controller and runners feed their logs into the duplicator and cannot run without it. Only one duplicator can run at a time.

To start the duplicator with one inbound socket (--message-socket) and two outbound sockets (the remaining arguments) for the stats and collector components, run the following.

mite duplicator --message-socket=tcp:// tcp:// tcp://


The mite stats component aggregates statistics out of the messages passed from the collector. As many stats daemons can be run as is necessary to achieve desired throughput. It can be passed an optional in and out socket, but in our case we’ll just run it with default sockets.

mite stats

The default in socket is tcp://` which we previously told our duplicator to output on. The default output socket is on port 14305.


The mite collector is an optional component designed to write the raw logs to files. It defaults to writing 10000 log lines to a file before rolling and timestamping the file. The most recent file is named current. Again, as many of these can be run as is necessary to achieve throughput. However, each collector must be passed a different --collector-dir, to avoid them overwriting each otherʼs logs. The log lines will be round-robined across all the collectorsʼ output directories.

mite collector --collector-dir mite-logs


The mite recorder is an optional component designed to record data to disk. It can be used for storing values created during data creation scenarios, handling messages of the type data_created to write data and purge_data to delete old recorded values. There is an optional --recorder-dir argument to specify a folder where files are created.

mite recorder

Logs are compressed with msgpack; the repo includes a script for quickly dumping their contents (but the most common usage will be to read them in programmatically in test journey files). We could also have specified an optional inbound socket but here we are relying on the default of tcp://, previously specified as an output socket for the duplicator.


The mite receiver component is a generic mechanism that can perform tasks not limited to fulfilling a single role (eg. stats, collector). This allows changing a mite pipeline more easily, without introducing new processes and network components. A mite.cli.receiver instance can have multiple custom processors connected to it as either listeners or raw listeners and can dispatch incoming messages to them.

mite receiver tcp:// \
 --processor=my.custom.processors:StatsProcessor \

mite receiver tcp:// \

Example custom processors:

import os
from uuid import uuid4

from mite import collector
from mite.cli import stats
from mite.zmq import Sender

class StatsProcessor:
    def __init__(self):
        sender = Sender()
        self.stats = stats.Stats(sender=sender.send)

    def process_message(self, message):
        return self.stats.process(message)

class CollectorProcessor:
    def __init__(self):
        self.collector = collector.Collector(collector_id=str(uuid4()))

    def process_raw_message(self, message):
        return self.collector.process_raw_message(message)

class PrintProcessor:
    def process_message(self, message):

Prometheus Exporter

The prometheus exporter provides a http metrics endpoint for the prometheus time series database to scrape, pulling metrics from the stats components. In our case, the stats components will output on its default socket and the exporter is configured to read from there by default.

mite prometheus_exporter


The mite runners are the component responsible for injecting the load into the system under test. As many of these can be created as is necessary for the volume of load you are injecting, but for optimum performance you should make sure that each has a whole CPU core on which to run. The runner needs two arguments, a socket it can use to talk to the controller and a message socket it can use to send messages to the duplicator. In the below instance we’ll let it use the defaults of 14301 for communicating with the controller and 14302 for messages out to the duplicator.

mite runner


The last component to run is the mite controller. It dictates the scenario to run, loads and distrbutes the config to the runners and is responsible for managing the work that the runners are doing. As all our components are set up to use default sockets, we just have to specify the scenario to run, in the format of a python importable module and a name in that module (separated by a colon).

mite controller mite.example:scenario