Volume model specification

A mite volume model should be a callable accepting two arguments, the start and end times (in seconds). It should return an integer, indicating the number of transaction per second to run during this interval. There are several ways to specify the volume model for a scenario.

The simplest is by using an anonymous (lambda) function:

lambda start, end: return 10

More complex named functions can also be used.

Mite also provides a simple DSL for specifying volume models, in the mite.volume_model module. The components of the DSL are:


Zero TPS for the specified duration

Constant(tps=1, duration=10)

A constant number of tps for the specified duration


A smooth (linear) transition between the two volume model components on either side of the ramp term. If the ramp appears between two components, then the from and to values are automatically computed to match those. If the ramp is the first component in a chain, then pass the frm argument in addition to duration; if it is the last in a chain pass the to argument.

You can combine pieces of this DSL using the addition operator. For example, here is a volume model which runs an initial 1-minute warm-up period, followed by an hour-long trapezoidal load pattern (ramp up for 5 minutes, maintain for 50 minutes, ramp down for 5 minutes):

from mite.volume_model import Constant, Ramp

volume_model = Constant(tps=1, duration=60) + Ramp(duration=300) + \
    Constant(tps=1000, duration=50) + Ramp(duration=300, to=0)